BZ Model, Direct Gas Fired

  • Capacity: 30-3300 ton
  • Gas Pressure: 2.3-7.3 Psi (Standard)
  • Dual Fuel Burner (Gas and Oil, Low NOx, <10ppm)
  • Cooling / Heating / Domestic Hot Water

BS Model, Steam Driven

  • Capacity:30-3300 ton
  • Steam Pressure: 60 –  150 Psi
  • Chiller Come With Steam Valve
  • Cooling Only

BE Model, Exhaust DrivenBroad Exhaust Driven Chiller

  • Capacity:40-3300 ton
  • Exhaust Pressure Drop: 3 –  8 Inch W.C.
  • Exhaust Temperature: 536-990F
  • Cooling / Heating Only

BH Model, Hot Water DrivenBROAD Hot Water Two Stage Chiller

  • Capacity:30-3300 ton
  • Hot Water Temperature: 280 –  356 F
  • Provides Hot Water Valve
  • Cooling Only

BDH Model, Single Stage Hot Water Driven
Broad Single Stage Hot Water Driven Chiller

  • Capacity: 30-1800 ton
  • Hot Water Temperature: 160-220 F (Standard)
  • Hot water Valve
  • Cooling Only

BDE Model, Single Stage Exhaust DrivenBROAD Exhaust Driven Single stage chiller

  • Capacity:30-1163 ton
  • Exhaust Temperature: 450 – 600 F
  • Cooling Only

BDS Model, Single Stage Steam Driven
BROAD SIngle Stage Steam Driven

  • Capacity: 30-2000 ton
  • Steam Pressure: 6.0-60 Psi (Standard)
  • Offer Steam Valve
  • Cooling Only

BZE Model, Exhaust and Direct Fired
BROAD Multi Energy Chiller

  • Capacity: 30-3300 ton
  • Gas Pressure: 2.3-7.3 Psi (Standard)
  • Dual Fuel Burner (Gas and Oil, Low NOx, <10ppm)
  • Exhaust Pressure Drop : 3 –  8 Inch W.C.
  • Exhaust Temperature: 560-990 F
  • Cooling / Heating / Domestic Hot Water

BHE Model, Hot (Jacket) Water and Exhaust
BROAD Exhaust + Hot water Driven chiller

  • Capacity: 30-3300 ton
  • Hot Water Temperature: 160-220 F (Standard)
  • Exhaust Pressure Drop:  3 –  8 Inch W.C.
  • Exhaust Temperature: 580-1200 F

BZHE Model, Hot (Jacket) Water and Exhaust + Direct Gas Fire
BROAD exhaust hot water Driven with gas back up

  • Capacity: 30-3300 ton
  • Gas Pressure: 2.3-7.3 Psi (Standard)
  • Dual Fuel Burner (Gas and Oil, Low NOx, <10ppm)
  • Exhaust Pressure Drop : 3 –  8 Inch W.C.
  • Exhaust Temperature: 580-1200 F
  • Hot Water Temperature: 190-220 F (Standard)

Package Chiller (Enclosure, Pump System and Cooling Tower included)
BROAD Package Chiller System

  • Direct Fire/Hot water/Steam/Exhaust
  • Capacity: 40-2200 ton
  • Gas Pressure: 2.3-7.3 Psi (Standard)
  • Dual Fuel Burner (Gas and Oil, Low NOx, <10ppm)
  • Cooling / Heating / Domestic Hot Water

Solar Driven (Solar Driven with Gas Burner back up)
BROAD Solar Driven System

  • Capacity: 40-1000 ton
  • Hot Water: 160-350F
  • Gas Pressure:2.3-7.3 Psi (Standard)
  • Dual Fuel Burner
  • Cooling Only

What Our Customer Say About Us

“As a contractor my business model is to reduce risk.  For me the economics and benefits of allowing the manufacture to assume this responsibility was the right decision for J&J and my customers.”

  • George  Youssef   / Principle J&J Mechanical
  • Project: Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC.
  • Chillers – 2000 tons of two stage Absorption Chillers
Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC

Pictured is the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, N.Y. (Photo by James J. Peters VA Medical Center)

“Broad bid and was the selected as the low cost high quality supplier for this portion of the job”.  They performed smoothly and eliminated a lot of coordination issues that would have undoubtedly arisen with out there expertise and familiarity with what is required to join the chiller.

  • Dave Cilona, CBCP- Construction Manager
  • Project: Ocean County College  NJ
  • Chillers – 500 tons of two stage Multi Energy Absorption Chillers for a CCHP project.
ocean county college

Pictured is the Houses the Library at OCC. (Building expanded and renovated 1995)

What Our Customer Say About Us

“As a contractor my business model is to reduce risk.  For me the economics and benefits of allowing the manufacture to assume this responsibility was the right decision for J&J and my customers.”

  • George  Youssef   / Principle J&J Mechanical
  • Project: Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC.
  • Chillers – 2000 tons of two stage Absorption Chillers
Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC

Pictured is the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, N.Y. (Photo by James J. Peters VA Medical Center)

“Broad bid and was the selected as the low cost high quality supplier for this portion of the job”.  They performed smoothly and eliminated a lot of coordination issues that would have undoubtedly arisen with out there expertise and familiarity with what is required to join the chiller.

  • Dave Cilona, CBCP- Construction Manager
  • Project: Ocean County College  NJ
  • Chillers – 500 tons of two stage Multi Energy Absorption Chillers for a CCHP project.
ocean county college

Pictured is the Houses the Library at OCC. (Building expanded and renovated 1995)

What Our Customer Say About Us

“As a contractor my business model is to reduce risk.  For me the economics and benefits of allowing the manufacture to assume this responsibility was the right decision for J&J and my customers.”

  • George  Youssef   / Principle J&J Mechanical
  • Project: Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC.
  • Chillers – 2000 tons of two stage Absorption Chillers
Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC

Pictured is the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, N.Y. (Photo by James J. Peters VA Medical Center)

“Broad bid and was the selected as the low cost high quality supplier for this portion of the job”.  They performed smoothly and eliminated a lot of coordination issues that would have undoubtedly arisen with out there expertise and familiarity with what is required to join the chiller.

  • Dave Cilona, CBCP- Construction Manager
  • Project: Ocean County College  NJ
  • Chillers – 500 tons of two stage Multi Energy Absorption Chillers for a CCHP project.
ocean county college

Pictured is the Houses the Library at OCC. (Building expanded and renovated 1995)

Unique Technologies

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

The Benefits of Factory Service:

An Absorption Chiller often is the largest significant operating asset in the building HVAC system.  It is also a significant energy consumer and typically represents a large portion of the building’s operating cost related to HVAC operation.  Ensuring and verifying that the chiller is operating within the proper application parameters, most buildings can save thousands of dollars a year as well as ensure that the chiller reaches it life cycle goals in an affordable manner.

A chiller that is not properly maintained or operated will result in unexpected repair costs and unreliable operation.  Broad U.S.A.’s intention is to offer a variety of maintenance options to compliment the owner’s expertise and time that the operators can dedicate to proper service, maintenance and operation.

Together as a team, we have found that most building owners will lower their operational costs as well as ensure that their chiller reaches its design life cycle goals.

Service Options To Consider:

  • Preventative Maintenance

Typically a preventative maintenance relationship is the most affordable contractual agreement between the owner and service provider. The number of visits can be tailored to fit your specific requirements so that cost can be kept to a minimum with the understanding that additional visits or additional requested service procedure can be procured at the owner’s request on a time and material basis based on discounted contract labor and material rates.

  • 24/7 Monitoring via the Internet

Broad U.S.A. has found based on customer feedback that this monitoring service is probably the single most useful tool for supporting our customers. It also is instrumental in providing proactive recommendations to ensure the lowest total cost of ownership.  Often minor adjustments can be made over the phone by collaborating with the onsite operator or superintendent responsible for the building operation.

  • Full Maintenance & Extended Warranty

For customers who do not want any exposure to risk or downtime, full maintenance with extended warranty coverage is highly recommended.  In essence, this extends the full factory warranty and any service procedures required for the life of the chiller at no additional cost.

Factory chillers

Pictured is the chiller in BROAD factory

Examples of Full Maintenance Procedures are:

  1. Tube Cleaning
  2. Burner Calibration
  3. Eddy Current Tube Analysis
  4. Lithium Bromide Analysis
  5. Leak Check
  6. Lower Inhibitor Levels
  7. Libr Solution Regeneration
  8. Tower Control and System Optimization
  9. Factory Training at Your Facility

BroadUSA Service Scope

Broad USA Service is equipped to provide the highest in professional maintenance services at reasonable costs.

Absorption chiller no matter what the brand, type, age or size of the facility including Chiller Startup, Field Assembly, Commissioning, PM Service, Premium Package Service, Warranty, Troubleshooting & Repair, Tube Cleaning, HVAC Installation, Building Automation and Mechanical Room Renovation. We do all of this while providing complete customer satisfaction, total system responsibility, improve comfort, safety, performance and energy efficiency throughout the life cycle of your assets.

40 west 57 street chiller at rigger's yard

Pictured are chillers for 40 west 57 street project ( Photo by Kevin, Rigger’s Yard at Long Island )

Extensive coverage of 4 service locations throughout the US with the backing of factory support.

  1. Absorption Chiller Startup, Field Assembly & Commissioning:
  2. Planned Maintenance and Predictive & Diagnostic:
  3. Overhaul Parts Replacement Maintenance:
  4. Testing and Analysis:
  5. Inspection, Troubleshooting and Repair:
  6. Premium Coverage Program:
  7. Remote & Building Automation System:
  8. CHP Plant Control:
  9. HVAC Turnkey Service:
  10. Additional Service:

Assisting in the installation of your Absorbers

Insuring & Maintaining the Chiller Vacuum Standard for Long Life Trouble Free Operation

  • The Benefits of Joining Procedure by a Factory Trained Service Engineer:

An Absorption Chiller often is the largest significant operating asset in the building HVAC system. Often due to jobsite or shipping constraints a chiller will sometimes ship in tow or sections under a protective nitrogen charge. A chiller that is not properly joined together can be a source of leakage or poor vacuum which can plague a units operation and adversly effect it total cost of ownership. Should you elect to join the chiller with your own staff we are happy to supervise?

  • Setting the Bar High on Standards

Broad Absorbers whether they are simple single stage or ultra high efficiency multi-energy two stage chillers all are designed to the same Stringent Vacuum Standard.  The passing test for the Broad standard helium detection test is 10-8 atmospheres of pressure per cubic centimeter of volume per second an industry best in class.

Tube material choice and the impact on longevity of the absorber coupled with a great modern design and good vacuum is what a modern absorber can deliver to your project.. Broad typically is providing higher quality materials such as “oxygen free copper”, CuNi and thicker walls to insure the chiller meets it 25 year life design cycle without unplanned and costly re-tubing common in other older absorption designs.

Contractor Services to consider:

  • Pre Start Up

CheckModern absorbers that utilize PLC controls have a variety of options regarding interface to the Building Automation System.  By meeting with the ATC contractor we can often provide coordination assistance to insure proper sequence of operation and safety devices are wired to insure worry fee operation.

Today BMS systems can access numerous point via Modbus, BacNet or Lon works interface available with Broad Absorption chillers. As a commitment to our customers Broad USA still recommend that you allow internet monitoring of you chiller thru a simple internet connection or 3G mobile phone line as it make start up and commissioning a much smother process and allows us to provide proactive diagnostics to your chiller to insure peak performance.

  • Leak Check

Often either the result of abnormal purge operation or the result of a poor LiBr solution report an absorber might require a leak check periodically..  A leak check is done to insure that air is not leaking into the chiller. This proactive service procedure can potentially avoid more expensive procedures caused by the entrance of oxygen into the inside of the chiller without oxygen corrosion cannot occur and the removal of non-condensable is key to keep you chiller operating at peak efficiency.

2020 Service Training Schedule

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut.

What Our Customer Say About Us

“As a contractor my business model is to reduce risk.  For me the economics and benefits of allowing the manufacture to assume this responsibility was the right decision for J&J and my customers.”

  • George  Youssef   / Principle J&J Mechanical
  • Project: Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC.
  • Chillers – 2000 tons of two stage Absorption Chillers
Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC

Pictured is the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, N.Y. (Photo by James J. Peters VA Medical Center)

“Broad bid and was the selected as the low cost high quality supplier for this portion of the job”.  They performed smoothly and eliminated a lot of coordination issues that would have undoubtedly arisen with out there expertise and familiarity with what is required to join the chiller.

  • Dave Cilona, CBCP- Construction Manager
  • Project: Ocean County College  NJ
  • Chillers – 500 tons of two stage Multi Energy Absorption Chillers for a CCHP project.
ocean county college

Pictured is the Houses the Library at OCC. (Building expanded and renovated 1995)

What Our Customer Say About Us

“As a contractor my business model is to reduce risk.  For me the economics and benefits of allowing the manufacture to assume this responsibility was the right decision for J&J and my customers.”

  • George  Youssef   / Principle J&J Mechanical
  • Project: Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC.
  • Chillers – 2000 tons of two stage Absorption Chillers
Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC

Pictured is the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, N.Y. (Photo by James J. Peters VA Medical Center)

“Broad bid and was the selected as the low cost high quality supplier for this portion of the job”.  They performed smoothly and eliminated a lot of coordination issues that would have undoubtedly arisen with out there expertise and familiarity with what is required to join the chiller.

  • Dave Cilona, CBCP- Construction Manager
  • Project: Ocean County College  NJ
  • Chillers – 500 tons of two stage Multi Energy Absorption Chillers for a CCHP project.
ocean county college

Pictured is the Houses the Library at OCC. (Building expanded and renovated 1995)

What Our Customer Say About Us

“As a contractor my business model is to reduce risk.  For me the economics and benefits of allowing the manufacture to assume this responsibility was the right decision for J&J and my customers.”

  • George  Youssef   / Principle J&J Mechanical
  • Project: Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC.
  • Chillers – 2000 tons of two stage Absorption Chillers
Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC

Pictured is the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, N.Y. (Photo by James J. Peters VA Medical Center)

“Broad bid and was the selected as the low cost high quality supplier for this portion of the job”.  They performed smoothly and eliminated a lot of coordination issues that would have undoubtedly arisen with out there expertise and familiarity with what is required to join the chiller.

  • Dave Cilona, CBCP- Construction Manager
  • Project: Ocean County College  NJ
  • Chillers – 500 tons of two stage Multi Energy Absorption Chillers for a CCHP project.
ocean county college

Pictured is the Houses the Library at OCC. (Building expanded and renovated 1995)

What Our Customer Say About Us

“As a contractor my business model is to reduce risk.  For me the economics and benefits of allowing the manufacture to assume this responsibility was the right decision for J&J and my customers.”

  • George  Youssef   / Principle J&J Mechanical
  • Project: Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC.
  • Chillers – 2000 tons of two stage Absorption Chillers
Bronx  VA Medical Center NYC

Pictured is the James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, N.Y. (Photo by James J. Peters VA Medical Center)

“Broad bid and was the selected as the low cost high quality supplier for this portion of the job”.  They performed smoothly and eliminated a lot of coordination issues that would have undoubtedly arisen with out there expertise and familiarity with what is required to join the chiller.

  • Dave Cilona, CBCP- Construction Manager
  • Project: Ocean County College  NJ
  • Chillers – 500 tons of two stage Multi Energy Absorption Chillers for a CCHP project.
ocean county college

Pictured is the Houses the Library at OCC. (Building expanded and renovated 1995)

Trusted Customers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas.







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